Hello, my name is Tiffany, and I am 42 years old. I came to Huntsville, Alabama from Memphis, TN. I have struggled with alcoholism for over 20 years and undiagnosed mental illness all my life.

I decided to get sober in 2017 spending a year in clinical rehabilitation and properly diagnosing and getting treated for my mental illness. Stayed sober for 5 years and got married to a drug and alcohol consoler. I followed the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Just when I thought I might be doing well I relapsed and refused to get back on the wagon because there was something or someone Alcoholic Anonymous was missing.

As I loathed in self-hatred and self-pity I was at the brink of death. My older sister who has lived in Huntsville, AL for over 10 years and lived with my mother pushed me to go to the Downtown Rescue Mission. So, I left the streets of Memphis, TN, and went to Huntsville, AL. My sister stated that I was going to kill myself.

I was relieved when I walked through the doors of the Downtown Rescue Mission. The streets of Memphis are hard and cold, but the smiles and the joy that permeated out of the beautiful staff and others sparked in me something I let go of years ago. The life-changing miracle is that I met someone I ‘ve been yearning for all my life, Jesus. So, with a heart of gratitude, I am thankful for my hardships and my trials. “For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18


