Become a
monthly donor
to help the
homeless 24/7/365

At Downtown Rescue Mission,
we offer Help and Hope

Help to overcome
hunger, homelessness,
addiction and abuse,

and eternal Hope that can
only be found in Jesus Christ.

Monthly Giving

Monthly supporter meet the needs of the poor and homeless throughout the year.


Individuals, families, churches, corporations and civic groups helps us help others.

Thrift Stores

When you shop at DRM Thrift Stores, you get a bargain and
give a blessing!

together we make a difference!

For nearly 50 years, Downtown Rescue Mission has provided compassionate programs and services to help men,
women and children in North Alabama and South Tennessee.

Last year alone, your generosity provided thousands of daily meals and nightly lodging.

But we’re more than a shelter.

Stories Of HOPE

Be inspired by real lives that have been changed thanks to you.